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Avoid Reseller Web Hosting

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Web hosting resellers pretend to be real web hosting companies. You're next door neighbor could be a reseller simply by paying a big web hosting company a fee for renting disk space on one of their servers.

One of the big reseller tipoffs is plans being sold by disk space allocations rather than by yearly or multi-year plans. The reseller rations out the disk space that was rented from the real web hosting company into tiny segments and resells it to unsuspecting customers at inflated prices. You'll typically see small packages like 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 megabytes of disk space for monthly fees that far exceed what a professional hosting package costs for unlimited disk space.

 Here are other common reseller restrictions.

One Email Account: Can you or your business operate with all mail filtering into one account?

One Database: Each blog installation requires one database. Is one enough?

One Domain: You won't be able to register another domain name and add it to the same hosting account without paying more.

Avoid reseller hosting. Here's how to find cheap web hosting accounts without the reseller restrictions. Get this free report "Web Hosting Company Secrets Revealed".
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